Materials / Responsible Business (Csr)

Stakeholders and customers no longer want to hear your business’s sustainable initiatives. They expect sustainability to be already at the center of your business model.

We are delighted to have been appointed as Trusted Supplier to the NCVO and we look forward to helping all their members - charities and businesses - to showcase and amplify their impact.

Most companies nowadays have heard about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programmes. Started by and usually connected to the bigger companies of this world (as the name would suggest) such initiatives are sometimes seen as not related to the core business and hard to manage. Both could not be further from the truth.

One of the features of the life of Blackfriars Settlement is the frequent visits by individuals or teams of volunteers; fulfilling the widest array of activities imaginable. I want to record our most grateful thanks to all those from our Corporate Sponsors who have given their time, imagination and commitment to support our work.